OPPORTUNITY: Partnerships between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal businesses

Has your organization ever considered the possible advantages of entrepreneurial partnerships or collaboration with First Nations businesses?

Aboriginal business interests are on the rise and recent Supreme Court decisions are recognizing the value of their assets and creating new business opportunities. To some non-Aboriginal businesses, these decisions represent a barrier however other businesses are realizing that these actually present opportunities for collaboration, engagement and prosperous partnerships.

On November 20th a forum entitled From Membertou to Manitoba will present success stories of new profitable enterprises that were created by partnerships between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal businesses and what were the key elements of those successes. It will also examine what opportunities and incentives exist that for such partnerships and how these partnerships can be mutually profitable and beneficial to everyone’s bottom line.

If such collaboration represents an untapped opportunity for your organization, come and learn how Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal partnerships can give your business a competitive edge.

This event will highlight

–          how direct negotiated contracts with First Nations communities and their business interests can enable new companies to successfully operate in First Nations communities;

–          how indirect obligations can provide opportunities to build capacity of new enterprises;

–          what are the tax implications of such partnerships;

–          how working with First Nations business interests and communities can address labour shortage issues for prime contractors, secondary contractors, suppliers, and service providers while providing meaningful work opportunities.


Learn more about the event by opening the attachment to this email or by visiting http://www.mitt.ca/wp/events/nov20forum/


To register, go to https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/membertou-to-manitoba-forum-tickets-13410700767


Interested in exhibiting at this Forum? Contact greg.scheelar@mitt.ca

