
IATSE Local 669 Camera Trainee Course

Film Training Manitoba has been asked by IASTE Local 669 (the International Photographers Guild) to gauge the interest of our community in their Camera Trainee Program. Interested parties should submit a resume, along with a letter of interest, to FTM. If a significant interest is shown in the program, IATSE Local 669 will conduct a …


Government of Canada helps post-secondary graduates in Winnipeg gain career-related experience

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, July 30, 2009 – Film Training Manitoba will provide 10 post-secondary graduates with the opportunity to enhance and develop their employment skills through career-related experience, as a result of the Government of Canada’s support. Mr. Rod Bruinooge, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South, made the announcement today on behalf of the Honourable Diane …


LA-based Screenwriter, Pilar Alessandra, returns to Winnipeg

Los Angeles-based screenwriting instructor Pilar Alessandra ( is back by popular demand, bringing her two-day rewrite intensive workshop to Winnipeg August 29 & 30. This special training event is presented in partnership by Film Training Manitoba and the National Screen Institute. Participants will take their screenplays, or outlines, through six different rewrites and leave with …


GIMLI FILM FESTIVAL SEMINARS, presented by Film Training Manitoba

Film Training Manitoba is pleased to present a series of seminars as part of the Gimli Film Festival, beginning on Friday, July 24th with READY, SET, PITCH! This workshop will take place at the Waterfront Centre, with guests Joanne Levy and Phyllis Laing from Buffalo Gal Pictures. So you have this great idea but how …


Film Training Manitoba attends African Youth Summit

On Saturday, May 9th, Film Training Manitoba took part in Winnipeg’s first African Youth Summit at the University of Winnipeg. FTM was one of a handful of organizations who were invited to participate in the event. The African Youth Summit was held specifically for youth to come together in the spirit of making a difference. …


Lisa Meeches appointed to the Advisory Council on Workforce Development

PROVINCE ANNOUNCES NEW ADVISORY COUNCIL ON WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT To support and enhance a partnership between industry, labour and government in developing provincial workforce policies, Competitiveness, Training and Trade Minister Andrew Swan today announced the appointment of members to the new Advisory Council on Workforce Development.

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